Funkce aktualizačních částic
Barbora Štěpánková
Ústav pro jazyk český AV ČR, v. v. i.
Functions of Emphasizing Particles
This paper deals with a specific type of particles: the so-called emphasizing particles (e.g. jen, akorát, také, hlavně, ještě).We present the properties that characterize them (the ability to bear a scope, ability to point out an expression with a higher communicative dynamism, and ability to trigger presupposition). On the basis of the properties we describe the functions the emphasizing particles have in a sentence: the emphasizing, rhematizing, and cohering functions. According to an analysis of the data in the SYN corpora these particles also occur in one more function: the connecting one. They manifest the connecting function in several forms. In the first case, an emphasizing particle follows a coordinating conjunction in a sentence and, to some extent, modifies the meaning of the conjunction. However, the meaning of the particle remains unchanged. In the second case, the particle alone occupies the position of a conjunction. In some examples, its meaning gets closer to the meaning of a coordinating conjunction, in other examples it represents a specific type of connecting expression that introduces apposition. In the concluding section, we try to delimit the cases where the investigated expressions can still be considered emphasizing particles, and the cases where we see them as conjunctions. We also propose a way how to treat them in the newly created dictionary of contemporary Czech.
Klíčová slova / key words:
aktualizační částice, dosah, spojka, spouštěč presupozice, zdůrazňovací funkce
conjunction, emphasizing function, presupposition trigger, rhematizing particle, scope