Korpusová analýza výrazů vyjadřujících postojovou a evaluativní modalitu k propozici výpovědi
Martin Janečka
Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci
Corpora analysis of expressions with attitudinal and evaluative modality to the utterance proposition
This paper is a contribution to discussion about expressions including evaluative and postural modality, mainly the expressions bohužel and bohudík. With help of the Czech National Corpora (SYN2013PUB) I try to prove the hypothesis that the expression bohužel can be used in some contexts, where it can disguise a source/receiver of negative modality expressed by given utterance. The expression bohužel also gains the function of sentence equivalent, which would otherwise express given type of modality more clearly, because longer construction (than bohužel/bohudík) would contain deictic expressions (like personal pronoun) identifying the source/receiver of modality. I also try to analyse qualitative and quantitative disproportion between bohužel and bohudík considering the diachronic characteristics of these expressions. I critically reflect the evaluation of bohužel/bohudík using indicators like archaic, since the statistical data often do not correlate with these general indicators. I try to find some adequate criteria for determining word class of the expressions bohužel/bohudík in different situations. On the basis of already published criteria, I propose to combine the criterion of substitution possibility of bohužel/bohužel in exchange for sentence equivalent (related to the interpunctionally bordered separateness of given expression), the criterion of enclitic position after bohužel/bohudík and the criterion of position of bohužel/bohudík in the utterance.
Klíčová slova / key words:
modalita, částice, citoslovce, příslovce, jazykový korpus
modality, particles, interjections, adverbials, language corpora