Sociolingvistické aspekty jazykovej komunikácie Slovákov v multilingválnom prostredí vo Vojvodine
Marina Hrib
Slavistický ústav Jána Stanislava Slovenskej akadémie vied
Sociolinguistic aspects in language communication of Slovaks in the multilingual environment in Vojvodina
The author deals with sociolinguistic aspects in language communication of the Slovak national minority, which is developing within non-national population in Vojvodina. While exploring language communication of Slovaks in Vojvodina, there is also significant attention paid to the issue of language competence in the form of self-evaluation on the level of knowledge of respondents minority and majority language and language performances, i.e. use of the specific language in situational context. Contribution of this paper is to make an organized overview of communication of the Slovak national minority in this multilingual and multicultural region. This is based on the knowledge of their mother tongue from a generational perspective as well as the use of language in different situations. On the other hand, author deals also with the Slovakian and Serbian language relations in order to point out positive and negative factors that affect the overall communication of this landlocked community. The author tries to assess the functioning of the Slovak language in the communication of Vojvodina Slovaks by analyzing the results of her own research made in the form of a questionnaire. The research sample consists of socially and generationally differentiated respondents of Slovak nationality.
Klíčová slova / key words:
jazyková komunikácia, používanie jazyka, slovenská národnostná menšina, Vojvodina, znalosť jazyka
knowledge of the language, language communication, Slovak national minority, use of language, Vojvodina