Ke staročeským lexémům natrhlý a natrhlina
Kateřina Voleková
Ústav pro jazyk český AV ČR, v. v. i., oddělení vývoje jazyka
On the Czech Old words natrhlý and natrhlina
New editions of Old Czech literary monuments are a source of new findings on Old Czech lexical units. This paper focuses on two previously unknown Old Czech lexemes from the Latin-Czech glossary in an Esztergom manuscript stored in Esztergom Metropolitan Library (selfmark Ms. II 8, pp. 58–63, 66–152), from the second half of the 15th century. These lexemes are the adjective natrhlý, ‚furious, insane‘ for the Latin word maniacus and the derived noun natrhlina ‚rabidity, madness, insanity‘ for the Latin word mania. The handwritten record „natrhly“ allows also a reading nátrhlý ,a little insane‘, i.e. a derived unit with a prefix ná-, expressing a lower level of attribute of the base adjective trhlý ‚furious, insane‘. However, the interpretation nátrhlý is eventually considered as an unlikely one, based on the linguistic analysis, considering semantics and word formation of Old Czech lexemes in the context of the Esztergom glossary and the other Czech literary monuments.
Klíčová slova / key words:
hapax legomenon, latinsko-český slovník, odvozování, slovotvorba, stará čeština
derivation, hapax legomenon, Latin-Czech glossary, Old Czech, word formation