Reduplikace jako způsob vyjádření emocionality v současné francouzštině a její odraz v jazyce dětí a mládeže
Radka Fridrichová
Pedagogická fakulta Univerzity Hradec Králové
Reduplication as a way of expressing the emotionality in contemporary French language and its reflection in the language of children and young people
The aim of this article is to introduce one of the methods of the word-formation in contemporary French language – the reduplication (in French language called redoublement or réduplication) – and to point out to its specific presence in the language of young people and children. The reduplication is a phenomenon that is characterized by the repetition of sounds, syllables (initial or terminal), morphemes, words or parts of words. On the contrary Hauser (1987) distinguishes in his conception the reduplication of affixes on the one hand and on the other hand the repetition of lexical base with the regard for its belonging to the given word class. The linguist Jean Dubois structures the reduplication in the same way. The reduplication is a phenomenon that reflects in French language in several levels. Its biggest use is mainly in two specific registers of speech. The first is the language of children and of the adults that communicate with children in “their language” and they exert the repetition as the form to memorize used lexical units. However the repetition of worlds or syllables is educational phenomenon that finds its place not only in French language but also in other languages including Czech. In the wilder context the repetition is also exert in the scope of interjections that are often linked with the speech of the youngest. The second specific register is the language of young people. Their language elements belong by its nature to the slang register or the familiar register. These elements bring hypocoristic, meliorative but also pejorative or opprobrious values.
Klíčová slova / key words:
emocionalita, jazyk dětí a mládeže, reduplikace, repetice, tronkace
clipped words, emotionality, language of children and young people, reduplication, repetition