Norma němčiny vyžadovaná vyučujícími českých středních škol
Alena Čermáková
Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy v Praze
Norm of German demanded by teachers at Czech secondary schools
The paper introduces to a research about what is presented to students at Czech secondary schools as the norm of the German, further who or what and for what purpose decides about this norm and how this decision looks like. The theoretic-methodological base was the Klaus Gloy’s Concept of Language Norm, Ulrich Ammon’s model of Social Power Field, the Language Management Theory and linguistic experiment. It focuses the role of a teacher as the norm-implementing and even norm-establishing authority and at the same time as an arguing power.
Klíčová slova / key words:
koncept normy Klause Gloye, korektorská praxe učitelů německého jazyka, model sociálního silového pole spisovné variety Ulricha Ammona, slovosled ve srovnávací větě s als, teorie jazykového managementu
Klaus Gloy’s Concept of Language Norm, Language Management Theory, praxis of German teachers as correctors, Ulrich Ammon’s model of Social Power Field, word order in comparative sentence with als