Filozofická Fakulta

Lingvistika Praha 2014

Postoj kreolů k národním jazykům – Seychely

Monika Drážďanská
Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci

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Attitudes of Creoles to the national languages – Seychelles

The aim of the following paper, which belongs to sociolinguistics, is to introduce the problems of Creole languages and the linguistic situation in Seychelles. The Creole languages which will be discussed started their evolution in the 17th century in a specific historical, geographical and social context. The overseas expansion of European powers and agricultural exploitation with the help of slave labor created the conditions for the formation of new communities. One of these is the Republic of Seychelles, the area being colonized by the French followed by the British, where all the colonizers have left significant traces, both linguistic and cultural. In Creole areas that were inherently dependent territories in origin, the phenomenon of coexistence of two or more codes and the resulting diglossia are quite usual. The first part of this paper deals with the context of settlement of the Indian Ocean region and with the various factors that should be taken into account when studying the given issue, i.e. the language standard, the process of colonization, and the individual actors of colonization and their original languages. The second part takes us to Seychelles as such and presents the field research conducted in the framework of this thesis. There are three official languages in the country (English, French, and Creole), and although the government seeks to achieve trilingualism called “équilibré” through targeted language politics, there is a significant Anglo-Creole diglossia. The data obtained thanks to an anonymous structured questionnaire help us to approach the attitude of the Seychelois towards the Creole language and their opinions on the usefulness of this language. The focus will be primarily on the importance of elements like lecture, literature production and the opinion on the language of education.

Klíčová slova / key words:

Indický oceán, kolonizace, kreol, národní jazyky, vzdělání

colonization, Creole, education, Indian Ocean, national languages

Jak citovat příspěvek:

Drážďanská, Monika (2014): Postoj kreolů k národním jazykům – Seychely. Lingvistika Praha 2014 [online]. Cit. 11. 2. 2025. Dostupné z WWW: <>.

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