Mediální dialogické sítě v československém socialistickém tisku
Karla Tvrdá
Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy v Praze
The media dialogical networks in the Czechoslovak socialist newspaper
Focusing on intertextuality and dialogical properties, the media dialogical networks are one of the methods of media content analysis. The media dialogical network is a set of media products that are dialogically connected and have common topics. The concept of media dialogical network is based on the ethnomethodology and the conversation analysis; the media dialogues are similar to everyday conversations but they also have some specific features. This article briefly introduces the first insight into the mass media communication in the communist Czechoslovakia (1948–1989) through the media dialogical networks. Newspaper articles (mostly published in Rudé právo) from four years: 1952, 1967, 1972 and 1989 have been chosen for the analysis. The author’s supposition is that the different political situation in the years 1952 and 1972 on the one hand, and 1967 and 1989 on the other, influences the shape of the media dialogical networks formed in these years. In this article we focus on the year 1952, especially the standardized media dialogue is presented. The conclusion is dedicated to specifying the boundaries of the media dialogical networks (what kind of media products can be considered part of a media dialogical network).
Klíčová slova / key words:
dialogičnost, mediální dialogická síť, Rudé právo 1948–1989, rok 1952, standardizovaný mediální dialog
dialogical properties, media dialogical network, Rudé právo 1948–1989, standardized media dialogue, year 1952