Pár poznámek o primární a sekundární gramatikalizaci
Martin Konvička
Svobodná univerzita Berlín (Freie Universität Berlin)
Some remarks on primary and secondary grammaticalization
This article analyses the relationship between primary and secondary grammaticalization which are usually thought of as being two parts of the same general notion of grammaticalization. The division based on Kuryłowicz’s (1965) redefinition of Meillet’s (1912) original term ‘grammaticalisation’ is usually described as a process that renders lexical language signs grammatical and grammatical language signs even more grammatical. I shall suggest that since grammaticalization, i.e. becoming grammar, was originally, i.e. Meillet (1912), understood as a functional shift between the lexicon and the grammar of any given language, only primary grammaticalization should be treated as grammaticalization proper. Secondary grammaticalization sensu stricto cannot be seen as grammaticalization, i.e. becoming grammar, since the language sign undergoing secondary grammaticalization already has to be part of the grammar. Nevertheless, I will retain the term for denoting further functional changes of (primarily) grammaticalized language sings. In connection with secondary grammaticalization, one point that I shall discuss is whether or not it is justified to discriminate between less and more grammatical language items as is often the case, arguing against it.
Klíčová slova / key words:
Primární gramatikalizace, sekundární gramatikalizace, teorie gramatikalizace
Grammaticalization theory, primary grammaticalization, secondary grammaticalization