Hovorová francouzština v Quebeku a ve Francii: porovnání teorie a praxe, co říkají slovníky a co říká dotazník?
Martin Růžička
Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci
Colloquial French in Quebec and France: theory and practice, what say the dictionaries and what says the questionnaire?
French in Quebec seems to be a well explored field. This could be proved by the variety of publications concerning different topics such as language legislative in Quebec (Leclerc, 2013), evolution of French in this area (Canac-Marquis – Poirier, 2005), Anglicism in French in Quebec (Maréchal, 1991), differential studies comparing French in Quebec with other varieties of French (Bagola – Niederehe – Wolf, 2007; Valdman – Auger – Piston-Halten, 2005). Nevertheless, the number of publications about colloquial vocabulary of French in Quebec does not appear to be very high and furthermore, it is very difficult to find any comparison of colloquial French spoken in Quebec and France. That is why the comparison of the colloquial vocabulary of the French language in France and Quebec was chosen as the main objective of our research internship at Laval University in Quebec. The meaning and the occurrence of this colloquial vocabulary has been verified and explored in selected French and Quebec dictionaries and compared with reality by using a questionnaire. Our study will present the realisation of the research. We are going to start by selection of final corpus of colloquial vocabulary, creation of questionnaire and its application, analysis of collected data and a final presentation of results and chosen examples of the colloquial vocabulary of the French language in France and Quebec.
Klíčová slova / key words:
Francie, hovorové francouzské lexikum, kvantitativní analýza, lexikální sémantika, lexikografie, lexikologie, Quebek
colloquial French vocabulary, France, lexical semantics, lexicography, lexicology, quantitative comparison, Quebec