Filozofická Fakulta

Lingvistika Praha 2015

Chlupatá funkce vyštěkala pašíka aneb Jak spolu mluví policisté

Jana Přikrylová
FF UK v Praze

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Chlupatá funkce vyštěkala pašíka: How policemen talk to each other

The paper introduces the lingo of Czech policemen, which has not been examined in detail until present day. Police work and communication is quite specific, therefore the system of state police and municipal police is first explained. The main part of the paper focuses on official, semi-official or public and unofficial communication by policemen and on using of jargon in their dialogues. The paper also refers to some stereotypes used mainly in the official and public police communication compared to racy expressions inherent in the unofficial dialogues.

Klíčová slova / key words:

communication, police, official/unofficial/semi-official communication, stereotype, professionalism, jargon

Jak citovat příspěvek:

Přikrylová, Jana (2016): Chlupatá funkce vyštěkala pašíka aneb Jak spolu mluví policisté. Lingvistika Praha 2015 [online]. Publ. 29. 2. 2016. Cit. 13. 3. 2025. Dostupné z WWW: <>.

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