Filozofická Fakulta

Lingvistika Praha 2015

Participia v češtině, němčině a ruštině a jejich vzájemné ekvivalenty na základě korpusové analýzy

Jana Kocková
FF UK v Praze

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Adjectival Participles in Czech, German and Russian and their Reciprocal Equivalents Based on a Corpus Research.

This paper deals with the analysis of adjectival participles based on the Czech-Russian-German subcorpora of the InterCorp ČNK version 7. Adjectival participles are a transitive phenomenon, which includes verbal and adjective features. This causes some problems with their classification (as a verbal adjective in Czech, as a non-finite verbal form in Russian). This analysis is composed of 10 partial analyses (4 participles in Czech, 4 in Russian and 2 in German), each with 100 occurrences. The results show certain equivalence across all three languages (e.g. present active participle in Czech, Russian and participle I in German). The analysis confirms the most frequent use of adjectival participles in Russian, but it also points to a relatively high occurrence of Czech participles among the equivalents. German is characterised by a combination of incorporation and other grammatical devices.

Klíčová slova / key words:

ekvivalenty, korpus, participia, příčestí

corpus, adjective participles, equivalents, participles

Jak citovat příspěvek:

Kocková, Jana (2016): Participia v češtině, němčině a ruštině a jejich vzájemné ekvivalenty na základě korpusové analýzy. Lingvistika Praha 2015 [online]. Publ. 29. 2. 2016. Cit. 13. 3. 2025. Dostupné z WWW: <>.

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