Filozofická Fakulta

Lingvistika Praha 2015

Navazování vztahů v textu: srovnání několika notoricky a několika méně známých přístupů

Alena Poncarová
FF UK v Praze

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Establishing Text Relations: Comparison of Several Notorious and Lesser-Known Approaches.

This article presents different approaches to the scalarity within an utterance. It offers the alignment of several approaches and their comparison. The key approach is centering theory, which is compared with the Czech theory in a broad sense. The text also reflects other approaches involving the development of relations within a text, such as salience theory and the accessibility theory. The aim is to present basic characteristics of each approach and to compare them based on their methodological differences, in case of centering theory also some problematical issues are briefly introduced. First the centering theory is presented (centers of attention, types of transition, rules and claims), also strict locality principle and pronoun resolution are reflected. In case of Czech theory, the concept of both contextual boundness (Vilém Mathesius) and communicative dynamism (Jan Firbas) as well as thematic progression typology (František Daneš) are presented. Approach of salience is represented by the stock of shared knowledge and degrees of activation concepts, accessibility theory approach by the unity degrees and from the morphosyntactic perspective. Secondary the approaches are aligned and their strong and weak parts are pointed out.

Klíčová slova / key words:

aktuální členění, kontextová zapojenost, salience, teorie centeringu, tematické posloupnosti, teorie přístupnosti, výpovědní dynamičnost

accessibility theory, centering theory, communicative dynamism, contextual boundness, information structure, salience, thematic progression

Jak citovat příspěvek:

Poncarová, Alena (2016): Navazování vztahů v textu: srovnání několika notoricky a několika méně známých přístupů. Lingvistika Praha 2015 [online]. Publ. 29. 2. 2016. Cit. 13. 3. 2025. Dostupné z WWW: <>.

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