Filozofická Fakulta

Lingvistika Praha 2015

Role členské kategorizace v diskuzi o kvótách pro přijetí uprchlíků v českém politickém diskurzu

Kristýna Tesařová
FF UK v Praze

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The Role of Membership Categorization in the Discussion about EU Refugees Quota System in the Czech Political Discourse.

This study deals with the analysis of membership categorization in Czech political discourse regarding a discussion of the EU migration quota system during European migration crisis. The stenographic record from emergency meeting of Czech Parliament’s Chamber of Deputies, which took place on 18th June 2015, serves as a material for analysis, which draws on membership categorization analysis (e.g. Hester – Eglin, 1997). In the course of the meeting two main groups took shape among Czech politicians. For the first group represented mainly by government politicians was the most important to make a reasonable selection of individuals to put migration quota system into effect, they distinguished a refugee (a person, who left his/her homeland involuntarily due to persecution according to Geneva Convention on Refugees from 1951) from an economic migrant (a person, who decided to settle permanently in other than his/her homeland country with prospects of better living conditions). Described categorization could create one besides other conditions (e.g. religion) for their acceptance. The second group (represented mainly by opposition politicians) did the opposite – they didn’t distinguish one type of migrants from others, because they were convinced, that migrants use a refugee status only as a disguise (see related membership category “the so-called refugees”), and in fact they are part of migration motivated by clear economical (first of all by a misuse of a destination country social system) and by political¬ religious (by spreading Islam) goals. These differences constituted during a meeting in a direct interaction between politicians and were based on reflection of migrants’ identity.

Klíčová slova / key words:

český politický diskurz, členská kategorizační analýza, evropská migrační krize, kvóty pro přijetí uprchlíků, politická komunikace

Czech political discourse, EU refugees quota system, European migration crisis, membership categorization analysis, political communication

Jak citovat příspěvek:

Tesařová, Kristýna (2016): Role členské kategorizace v diskuzi o kvótách pro přijetí uprchlíků v českém politickém diskurzu. Lingvistika Praha 2015 [online]. Publ. 29. 2. 2016. Cit. 27. 7. 2024. Dostupné z WWW: <>.

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