Filozofická Fakulta

Lingvistika Praha 2015

Gestika a afázie: paralely v omezeních jazyka a gest

Martin Janečka
FF JU v Českých Budějovicích

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Gestures and Aphasia: Analogy between Restrictions of Language and Gestures.

This paper considers the question of how to incorporate nonverbal communication into the grammar description on the general level. This question is solved with the help of relationship between language (or speech) and gestures, then gestures and language acquirement, gestures and aphasia. It was proved that in the process of gestures acquirement a lot of problems corresponding with those relating to the spoken language can be found, e.g. “Is gesture inborn or trained?” In the first part I introduce basic concepts relating to gesture and some controversial statements in the gesture research. In the relationship between gesture and aphasia I deal with parallels in the language¬ gesture restrictions, then I discuss compensations of verbal deficiency using gestures and gesture in relation to Autism / Asperger and other deficiencies of abilities. In the second part of this paper the relationship between gesture and aphasia is continuously supported by experiments – the most important are Cicone et al. (1979) and Jakob et al. (2011). These experiments are situated in the mutual opposition (aphatics do not compensate vs compensate their verbal deficiency using gestures intentionally). The aim of this paper is to confirm through these experiments the necessity of studying gesture production simultaneously with speech production, the need of simultaneous studies of deficiencies is obvious as well. It is necessary to consider knowledge gained in this way by multimodal grammar construction.

Klíčová slova / key words:

afázie, experiment, gestika, gramatika, multimodalita, neverbální komunikace

aphasia, experiment, gestures, grammar, multimodality, nonverbal communication

Jak citovat příspěvek:

Janečka, Martin (2016): Gestika a afázie: paralely v omezeních jazyka a gest. Lingvistika Praha 2015 [online]. Publ. 29. 2. 2016. Cit. 13. 3. 2025. Dostupné z WWW: <>.

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